Ace of Swords
The beginning of an idea, cutting through bullshit, clearing away emotions. Bringing logic into areas where it is currently lacking.

Two of Swords
Ignoring some fundamental truth, being blinded by logic, a state of stasis. A conflict held at bay by avoiding it.

Three of swords
sorrow, logic breaks into emotion, the end of a situation.

Four of Swords
rest, a break in action, Putting something down for a while.

Five of Swords
conflict of ideals, a multi-way conflict.

Six of Swords
travel, moving away from something, putting things into prospective.

Seven of Swords
thievery, deception, cutting away at something.

Eight of Swords
interference, being stuck in the mud, difficultly moving forward.

Nine of Swords
Worry, lost sleep. Over-analyzing issues. This is also the over thinking card where negative logic goes in circles and get you nowhere.

Ten of Swords
despair, hopelessness, the realization that you have exhausted all logical avenues. Clearly the mind isn’t working for you here.

Ace of Wands
Inspiration the ace of wands represents the beginning of a passion, or inspiration. The ace isn’t yet fully formed in terms of the passion, just a driving force, an inner fire. The wand shows the fire in the background, because out of the fire forms a passion, an inspiration, a desire.

Two of Wands
The two of wands is the preparation of bringing that idea in the ace of wands into a tangible form, hence the two wands framing a portal to elsewhere. Passion needs direction in order to manifest, so this begins the first step, the iteration of the passion into something tangible. The portal brings that energy from the realm of imagination into the physical world.

Three of Wands
Now we do have something tangible, the completed pyramid and the three wands underneath it. We have an actual thing that can be shown and can be given to others, not merely a vague passion. The pyramid shows that something has been built, and three wands point towards the sky. Unlike the pyramid in the three of disks however, it is flat against the background and only one side of the pyramid is shown. This is because when we have made the first form of something, we often only see one side of it. It will take others to allow us to see the additional sides of our passion.

Four of Wands
Teamwork. When other people find the idea and can build upon it, now you have the fourth stage of the wands. It is no longer the passion of one person alone, it now belongs to a group who can build upon it. The partly completed castle with wands in the corners shows that it is not yet complete, but in the process of being formed.

Five of Wands
Conflict. Unlike the conflicting ideals in the five of swords, this is a conflict of energy, not the intellect. Some decks call this card strife.

Six of Wands
Victory. The path through a wreath means that the passion has resulted in a win for you.

Seven of Wands
Valor. The wand blasts out all surrounding wands. It stands up to any kind of difficulties. Valor is a standing of your ground and not backing down, taking on all challengers.

Eight of Wands
Swiftness. The eight of wands denotes that things move fast. No more waiting around for stuff to happen. The wands have wings and fly through the sky.

Nine of Wands
Defense. This one has wands having to stand together. They build a fort all by themselves.

Ten of Wands
Burnout. Everyone eventually gets tired of whatever idea or passion that they had. They want to put it down because no it is too much and no longer fun. This is the feeling of overwhelm, or the idea of wanting to give up and move onto something new.