Ace of Cups
The ace of cups shows the beginning of a feeling. This cup has wings and travels over water, so it is not yet merged in or mixed with other emotions. The heart on the cup symbolizes a love.

Two of Cups
A partnership is shown in the two of cups. Two people or entities come together and form a bond. This shows two cups on a ship, so it isn’t part of the entire overwhelming emotions. The focus is just upon the relationship.

Three of Cups
Three is a crowd, this can be a positive or negative thing. This can symbolize socializing parties and group get together or just gatherings of any sort.

Four of Cups
When the four of cups appears in a reading, that means the you feel you have had enough. In traditional decks this was known as satiety, basically that overfull feeling where you are offered more and more emotions but don’t want it. This is an expression of that full feeling, that you just don’t want more to deal with, not that what you have is negative, just that you don’t need more of it because you are already full, a full schedule, full of relationships, full of emotion.

Five of Cups
Disappointment is something life hands us at times. Here, some of the cups are shown spilled over. It is a dark and gloomy looking card. However, some of the cups are still upright, so there is still hope. This is a hard for those who though things were great, and they they realized not everything was as wonderful.

Six of Cups
Nostalgia as depicted in this card shows a longing for an idealized past. This can be a beautiful thing of pleasantries, and like all the tarot cards, can be positive or negative card depending on where it appears in a spread.

Seven of cups
The seven of cups is also known as the yucky looking drinks card. The cups show hidden possibilities, but its mostly illusory. The cups symbolize stuff you wouldn’t really want to drink even though it looks good at first glance. The deception is on the level of emotions. You might think you want something, but deep down you know you really don’t want it. Sometimes people try to fool themselves, and make it look good.

Eight of Cups
Abandonment is symbolized in rain soaked eight of cups. These eight cups are full, but now the whole picnic is ruined. Many decks show a figure walking away, but it isn’t about the walking away, it is about the why.

Nine of Cups
The nine of cups shows happiness. This card isn’t about just momentary pleasure, three cups of cups are laid out, representing different types of pleasure and happiness. Basically, think of things that perhaps three different generations would like to do. Happiness isn’t just about one thing, it is about a balance of things in ones life.

Ten of Cups
The ten of cups represents harmony, abundance, and happiness. A long term goal being achieved for instance. It can also represent the mending of relationships or the resolving on an inner conflict.

Ace of Disks
The disk has a pentagram pointing downward, denoting the beginning of manifestation. It shows that it is half in the sky and half on the ground. The disks are all about things like money, manifestation, and wealth.

Two of Disks
The two of disks shows pentacles in the air, much like a juggler would put balls in the air. Two balls are still easy to juggle, but try adding a third and it all falls apart for most people. The disks have both an upward and downwards pointing pentacle. This shows a balancing act of matter and spirit.

Three of Disks
Initial completion is represented by the three of disks. Some project is complete, or rather, it has reached the first stage of completion. The disks on the pyramid show this. Unlike the pyramid in the wands this is a fully three dimensional pyramid, and not just the completion of an idea.

Four of Disks
Greed is suggested when the four of disks shows up. Sometimes people chase after material wealth or material things, when that is not what they need more of, but rather, they need something else more. Sometimes it is better to put it down and focus on other aspects of ones life. The rich purple denotes wealth, and the clubs on the disks can show luck. Now is the time to appreciate how lucky you are, hence the three leaf clovers inside the disks.

Five of Disks
Loss is depicted in the five of disks. Seriously, people tend to hate getting this card. I mean, no one wants to lose wealth, but it happens. The fact that the disks are on the other side of a stream stuck in the mud shows this. The grass always seems greener on the other side, so it isn’t all about wealth and material things.

Six of Disks
Generosity is shown here as the rainbows around the plate of disks. You will enjoy receiving some form of wealth, or perhaps you are called upon to be generous yourself. The disks alternate spirals and clubs, the clubs being like clovers denoting luck, and the spirals showing that there are multiple dimensions, multiple, so if one receives, one can also be a giver.

Seven of Disks
The seven of disks shows that there are multiple paths or branches you can take with your work that may or may not lead to success. The disks in a tree of various kinds show this. This can be a branching out card, or perhaps find a new direction card, or in some cases stick with what you know.

Eight of Disks
Apprenticeship is where you learn something new from someone who already knows it. This is a card of learning a new craft or a new way of doing things. It can also be the starting of a new skill. The disks are divided into the four quarters of the solar cross showing tradition.

Nine of Disks
The peacock feathers depicted in the nine of disks shows a manifested gain of multiplied rewards. The branching out of the disks in a fan like patterns shows an outward manifestation. The disks here are the lucky three leaf clover.

Ten of Disks
Wealth can take many forms and also belong to many generations. The various symbols on the disks show that this can appear in various ways. The spirals show how it can come from elsewhere, while the clubs or clovers show lucky, finally, the stars show manifestation and spirituality.